Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Getting an idea going!

I saw something online and I'm in this process of figuring out what I can do with this. It's a 45 minute pencil sketch on paper. Finshed art coming soon!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Post Card Design

I was invited to display some art for a show in a neighboring town and the owner asked if a piece elswhere in this blog could be used on the front of the post card. This is part of a piece that went on display. I created this postcard with the gallery owners instructions. Five hundred cards were mailed out across Western Washington and into Oregon.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Foot Stool Hand Painted

I have been using this stool to sit on while I start my fire to warm the house in the evenings and decided to give it a coat of paint and this is the result. This was achieved using acrylics and when I showed to to my friend who owns an art gallery, she invited me to show it. I hope to get it back sometime after Christmas. But if it sells I can deal with that too!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Chicken cage ID

I worked at a friends organic farm for a season and built a cage for chicks with the owner. He gave me permission to make a funny label for the cage. The customers get a laugh each time they see it.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Paradise Organics

This sign is for a friends farm in my neighborhood. We worked together for several hours to get the message and look he wanted for the farm. I also make the smaller signs that hang below to advertise what is in season and change them with different vegetables during the summer as the crops ripen.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Convience store menus

Some friends own a convience store named 4 Corners and they hired me to design and make these menu boards. The shapes were cut out of pvc using a cnc router and I applied the graphics and installed the signs.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Felix the Cat

I hand painted this on the back of a window van for someone special. She loves Felix.

Business card design

My client took his pick from 8 different designs and choose this. I later lettered his truck with the logo and other information.

Postcard design

A friend of mine needed to have a postcard to promote her pencil drawings. I designed this in Corel and it turned out just as she wanted.